Performancing Metrics

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yes, there is a reason for all of this

For whatever reason you are reading this blog, I hope that one day it will become useful to at least one person out there (though more likely it will be entertaining to many more). As you may have gathered from the title and tagline of the blog, I'm going (I went?) to Korea for a year to teach. This being written months before I leave - I don't even know my departure date yet! - I don't know exactly where this will go but I do have a few reasons for doing this.

Reason #1: Since teaching in Korea is a popular choice of the post grad (more on this in a later post - I promise), and the choice to move halfway around the world is something not to be taken lightly, I thought I would document my experiences (whether good or bad because I do expect both) so that if anyone wants to do the trip in the future they can learn from my successes and my mistakes.

Reason #2: I realize it will be difficult to keep in touch with family and friends in Canada (or wherever they may be) and I thought this would be an easier way to keep track of me (or rather, us - more on that in this post and no doubt in future posts) without sending out mass emails that would likely get deleted anyway.

So there you have it: two simple reasons for all this effort.

As I mentioned above, there is an "us." The second half of the "us" is Alex(andra). Korea was more of my idea, but she wanted to come with me and I wanted the company in a foreign country. I am working on getting her registered for blogger so that two perspectives (because I guarantee you they will be very different) can be presented for you and your fellow readers.

Currently I am busy with trying to keep myself afloat in Canada at the moment and I don't have a lot of time to write, but I will try to get a formal introduction of myself so you can see where I am coming from and why I chose to go to Korea. I will try to get Alex to do the same.

Until next time...

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