Performancing Metrics

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Soccer Seoul Style

A few weeks into my stay in Seoul, a few of us Alphabet Street employees decided to go watch a soccer game. The local team, Seoul FC, plays in Seoul World Cup stadium; a pretty cool place as far as stadium's go. It only holds about 30,000 or so, but it has a room over most of the stands, but not the field.

The cost of admission (for the cheapest seats on a weekend game) was only 8,000 won (which is abou 8 dollars). The most expensive seats are 20,000 won. Perhaps next time I will splurge. We'll see.

As you can see from the pictures, the stands weren't exactly packed, but it was only their second home game of the season. The soccer was pretty good (translation: we were entertained) and there was some good food (there were chicken wings and hot chocolate – it was a colder day in Seoul and we had no sun where we were sitting).

Seoul won 3-1 over Daegu (the city I almost went to) and we even got to see a penalty kick. It's definitely something I will go back to and I plan on getting a jersey.

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