Performancing Metrics

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Arrived in Seoul

It took two flights and more than 15 hours in the air, but I have finally arrived in Seoul. I have been here for less than 24 hours and I'm still trying to find my bearings and deal with what seems to be a huge sleep deficit from my "plan."

Currently I have no internet in my apartment, but I am able to do some things quickly at school here (yes, I am working less than 24 hours after I crossed halfway around the world) on the internet.

Hopefully I will get an internet connection at home and then I can post stuff from my laptop (and some pictures).

Lots of stories about my journey will also be coming as it was definitely an event-filled trip.


rain said...

Congratulations on your safe arrival. I'm very happy to hear that you made it there safely, as I'm sure the rest of the family is as well.

I'm looking forward to reading more about your life there and the adjustments you will be going through.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job. I am also looking into getting a job at the school you are at. What was the salary on the contract you signed if you don't mind my asking... Thanks, maybe we'll meet in the future.

Michael D said...

2.2mil won/month, but I have a B.Ed. and that got me a bit more.