Performancing Metrics

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Flights Are Booked!

I have my flights!

According to the itinerary sent to me by my good friends at Canadian Connection, I will depart from Toronto Airport on Wednesday February 27th at 8:30am. I land in Vancouver at 10:40am (local time). I then have an almost 3 hour wait in Vancouver (I've had worse) for my 1:30pm flight to Seoul-Incheon Airport where I will arrive on Thursday at 6:00pm (local time, which is 8:00am in Ontario).

There is much to do in the next couple of days, and I'm sure you'll hear all about it.

Note: the flights are assuming I get my visa from Toronto by the time I leave. With the consulate website being down at the moment, I am a bit worried.

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