Performancing Metrics

Friday, March 28, 2008

Eating in Korea: Jeju Oranges

When I first came here, I saw oranges being sold that didn't quite look right. They had a leaf still attached (most of them) and the had a little bump on the top where the leaf came out. It wasn't until I was given a free orange at school that I actually tried them. It was by far, the most delicious orange I have ever eaten.

The oranges come from Jeju Island, kind of like a Korean Hawaii. I couldn't find much information on the oranges in a quick search, but rumour has it (i.e. someone told me) that they are a special variety of orange created by cross-breeding other oranges. The oranges are "renowned across the nation" and I can understand why.

If you ever come to Korea, I would suggest trying these oddly shaped oranges - you won't regret it! And if you are lucky enough to go to Jeju (plans to go on a visit in May fell through when their were no flights available when we could go), you can even pick your own oranges.

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